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Saint Benedict Church
We accept the challenge to live the Gospel and love others as Christ loves us.

We are an active and growing community dedicated to Christian teachings as proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church.

We are an active and growing community dedicated to Christian teachings as proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church.

Parish News

Timely information is more necessary than ever: stay connected easily at St. Bens!

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Saint Benedict Church

Saint Benedict in Amherst NY is an environment for growth in Christian life, for dialogue, charitable outreach, and more.

Saint Benedict in Amherst, NY is a Roman Catholic Parish: here you’ll find an environment for hearing God’s word, for growth in the Christian life, for dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach and celebration.

Saint Benedict in Amherst, NY is a Roman Catholic Parish: here you’ll find an environment for hearing God’s word, for growth in the Christian life, for dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach and celebration.


Final diocesan administrator decision.

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Lenten Season

During the season of Lent, join us in the desert of transformation.

We encourage you to "try Lent" this year! Look for Jesus' presence in your life and the world, and strive for peace, love, mercy, and healing.

We encourage you to "try Lent" this year! Join us as we look for Jesus' presence in our lives and the world, and strive for peace, mercy, and healing.

Here you’ll find an environment for hearing God’s word, for growth in the Christian life, for dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach and celebration. We are an active and growing community dedicated to Christian teachings as proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church.

If you’re here to find more information about participation in the sacraments at St. Ben’s such as Baptism or your Marriage Ceremony, please see the main menu.

Please donate online to support our Parish mission,

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Parish Bulletin publication for the latest news distributed after weekend mass

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YAP - Young Adult Professionals Buffalo
Young Adult Professionals (YAP)
Young adults (18-40), join us!

Take a day to unplug from the noisy world and find rest with us.

Take a day to unplug from the noisy world and find rest in God through prayer, speakers, music, and more.

Weekly Updates & More

YAP Family Ministries
YAP - Young Adult Professionals Buffalo
Young Family Ministries
10 AM at the UB Newman Center

Help deliver full Thanksgiving meals for families in WNY

Serve those most in need by delivering full Thanksgiving meals for families in WNY

Second Saturdays at 10 AM: Mommy & Me

Fourth Saturdays at 10 AM: Family Mornings

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Saint Benedict Parish, Amherst NY logo
During this time remember, God is fighting battles for us 

He is still in our midst, alive and well. Be Christ for others. Call people, pray as a family, and take this time to get to know the people in your life that you love just that little bit more.

The staff at St. Benedict loves you all, appreciates you all, and continues to pray for you everyday.