The Protecting God’s Children workshop is required for all staff, volunteers, Religious Education Coordinators, Youth Ministers, Candidates for Ordination, Clergy, Eucharistic Ministers, Adult Catechists, Facilitators for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word, and all school administration, faculty, teachers, aides, nurses, cafeteria workers, coaches, maintenance personnel, guidance counselors, scout leaders and volunteers of any kind. In short, all adults over the age of eighteen (18) who have regular contact with youth in our parish and school for any reason.
The main purpose of the training is to help the community become aware of the extent of the problem of child sexual abuse in society, and provide solutions to prevent abuse from occurring. Additionally, periodic training bulletins and annual re-certification are required as follow-up for anyone who is required to attend the workshop.
Collection of some personal information is required in order to conduct criminal background checks and reference checks. While appropriate measures will be taken to maintain confidentiality of information, it is necessary for our volunteers, faculty, and staff to provide this information so that we can protect the safety of our children.
An essential part of the mission of the Church is the promotion and protection of the rights and dignity of all people.
Christian principles dictate that we have a special concern for those who are most vulnerable and those who cannot fully care for themselves. The increase in recent years in reported cases of sexual and physical misconduct points to a problem that is widespread in our society. The lasting impact of incidents of this nature on both victims and accused is a profound tragedy. The problem of unethical sexual or physical conduct, a form of exploitation, is one that compromises the integrity of the Church’s ministers and volunteers and adversely affects the image and effectiveness of the entire Church. People place in their Church leaders a trust that must never be violated by any person employed by or volunteering services to the Church.
With a firm determination to promote and honor that trust, the Diocese of Buffalo renews its resolve to provide safety and protection for children and young people in Church ministries and institutions.
Adults who work with young people or vulnerable adults through the Diocese of Buffalo or any of its parishes or schools have the legal, moral, and religious responsibility to perform their duties in a way that educates and assists – and does not harm — the young people and vulnerable adults with whom they work.
In keeping with that obligation, the Diocese of Buffalo has established a Code of Conduct for all who minister to young people or vulnerable adults in the parishes of the Diocese, teach young people in the schools of the Diocese, coach young people on sports teams connected with the Diocese or any of its parishes or schools, or in any other way work with young people or vulnerable adults through the Diocese of Buffalo.
Diocesan Review Board Biographies